2018 CNSA Chapter Recognition Award
NUSNA was recognized for outstanding local chapter performance.
2018 CNSA Outstanding Newsletter Award
NUSNA was recognized for our student newsletter, The Pulse. This was awarded to Communications Director, Rizza Angadol.
2018 NSNA Most Outstanding School Social Media
NUSNA was recognized for our Facebook page, awarded to Communications Director Megan Armstrong.
2017 CNSA Chapter Recognition Award
NUSNA was recognized for paving the way for future nurses.
2017 CNSA Multi-Chapter Award
National University and San Diego State University were recognized for their collaboration on 2017 Blood Drive.
2017 CNSA Outstanding Website
NUSNA was recognized for Chapter Website, nusnasd.org.
2017 CNSA Outstanding Newsletter Award
NUSNA was recognized for Student Newsletter, The Pulse.
2017 NSNA Most Successful Community Health Project
NUSNA was recognized for our "Shower of Blessings" monthly event.
2017 NSNA Newsletter Award
Awarded to Brittany Haradon, Communications Director.
2016 CNSA Chapter Recognition Award
NUSNA was recognized for outstanding local chapter performance.
2016 CNSA Sparkplug Award
NUSNA was awarded this due to highest membership increase.
2016 CNSA Outstanding Community Health Project
This was awarded to NUSNA for Jamie Kuhn's Stand Down for Veterans Project.
2016 CNSA Outstanding Breakthrough to Nursing Project
Keena Mapanao's Future Nurses High School Club won NUSNA this award.
2016 Honorable Mention 2016 CNSA Member
Jamie Kuhn
Keena Mapanao
Keena Mapanao
2016 CNSA Faculty of the Year Award
Nicole Sevilla-Zeigen
2016 CNSA Scholarship
Ashley Weber
2015 CNSA Star Chapter Awards
NUSNA will hold this title for the next 3 years.
2015 Outstanding CNSA Member of the Year
Awarded to Nicole Rumpf, NUSNA President.
2015 CNSA Outstanding Newsletter Award
NUSNA earned this award for its 2015 issues of The Pulse.
2015 CNSA Community Health Project Award
NUSNA earned this award for the 2nd Annual Holiday Cheer Event.
2014 CNSA Outstanding Website Award
Awarded to Jimil-Anne Linton, NUSNA Communications Director.
2012 CNSA Outstanding Newsletter Award
Awarded to Maryanne Mesina, NUSNA Secretary.