CNSA and NSNA Conventions & Meetings
Attending a convention or membership meeting at the state or national level is an excellent way to network,
gain career skills, learn about contemporary issues in nursing, serve in the House of Delegates, run for a position
on the CNSA or NSNA Board of Directors, or present a resolution. You will also have a lot of fun with your fellow
NUSNA members while serving as a representative for your school!
To learn more about how you can attend a convention with NUSNA, contact the Vice President at [email protected].
gain career skills, learn about contemporary issues in nursing, serve in the House of Delegates, run for a position
on the CNSA or NSNA Board of Directors, or present a resolution. You will also have a lot of fun with your fellow
NUSNA members while serving as a representative for your school!
To learn more about how you can attend a convention with NUSNA, contact the Vice President at [email protected].
California Nursing Students' Association (CNSA)
2019 Convention on October 11-13
*Click the photo to get more information about the CNSA 2018 convention*